
Thursday 19 March 2020

How Pencils Are Made : From lupe

Learning Intention: Sort our ideas into a paragraph .
The Leads - 
First they began with the mixture ,mixing both
of the graphite and clay powder with water added ,File:Faber-Castell pencil and eraser.jpg - Wikimedia Commons
then it was ready for the making of leads.
They squirt out the right length of what the leads
should be then it is ready for the leads to dry . 

Next the leads were put into medium
square containers with a layer of dry cement on top,
after it was taken into a safe area to firi the leads ,
now it was time for the leads to have a nice bath in the
wax bath.

The Colour Pencil Leads-
They first made the mixture using powder paint,
after when the mixture was ready it was time for
the color leads to be made, next they were
milling the grooves, then they applied glue on the
bottom layer then inserted the leads then they closed the

Now it was time to dry the leads in the drying wheel, 
when the glue had been dry ,they were milling the pencils.

Painting and Stamping 
Next they mix up beautiful color paint and paint the pencils ,
then it is ready to stamp the pencils and dip the color pencils into paint .
Later they left the pencils to dry in a room they call the drying room.

Finishing - After that they did Quality Testing 
  • 2.k kg pressure (withstanding)
  • Shading 
  • At the end they sharpened the pencils and they were ready for packaging.

Saturday 7 March 2020

Cybersmart Passwords : From Lupe

                Why Is Cybersmart Important ?
Cybersmart is what we need to have internet safety, making passwords that are the same could be able for hackers to hack your account , it is really important to use cybersmart passwords so that you have your own privacy to yourself.